Back-to-School Party raises millions for needy schools 

Adopt-a-School held its highly successful annual Back-to-School fundraising party on 5 October. Sponsored this year by Channel Vas, the event raised over R4.5 million for Whole School Development projects in disadvantaged schools. Guests, kitted out in school uniforms and sportswear, pledged enthusiastically and bid competitively in an exciting auction for choice prizes. Chairman of Adopt-a-School, President…

Maribe Agricultural display their fresh produce at the Agri-Expo Workshop

Black Umbrellas Agricultural Workshop

The Black Umbrellas Lephalale incubator recently held an Agri-Expo Workshop to promote and empower emergent Black farmers through access to markets, finance, networking and mentorship. The workshop provided farmers with a unique opportunity to engage with the national and provincial departments of agriculture as well as commercial banks and other corporate institutions. Among the speakers…

Health, sanitation and sexual awareness campaign 

Health, sanitation and sexual awareness campaign 

Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation partner entity, Adopt-a-School, together with Afrocentric, an investment holding company, hosted a health, sanitation and sexual awareness campaign at Dutyini Junior Secondary School in the Eastern Cape. The campaign equips Grade 5-7 learners with relevant information as they approach puberty. “The implementation of the awareness campaign educates learners about puberty and their…

CRET Career Guidance and Mentorship Days

CRET Career Guidance and Mentorship Days

Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust is working with a number of schools in Johannesburg to provide learners with career guidance and mentorship. These include St John’s College, St Stithians College, Waverly Girls High School and Sandown High School. Learners are exposed to career options and to professionals in a variety of fields, and are assisted with…

Schools in Fezile Dabi district receive infrastructure

Schools in Fezile Dabi district receive infrastructure

KST in partnership with the Free State Department of Education provided incentive infrastructure to a number of achieving schools in the Fezile Dabi district. Phitshana Primary school benefited from Grade R Classrooms. Nkgopoleng Secondary School, which achieved a 100% pass rate in the 2018 NSC examinations, had a science laboratory and library renovated. Kahonotjha-Sakubusha Secondary…

Foundation hosts 1st Biennial Thari Conference

Foundation hosts 1st Biennial Thari Conference

Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation hosted the 1st Biennial Conference of the Thari Programme in partnership with the National Department of Basic Education and Free State Department of Education in Bloemfontein, Free State on 6 September. The conference was aimed at addressing the prevalence of violence, abuse and other social ills children as well as women experience in…

KST develops libraries in National Book Week

KST develops libraries in National Book Week

Coinciding with National Book Week in the first week of September, an initiative by the Department of Arts and Culture and the South African Book Development Council to promote literature and encourage reading, KST’s District Whole School Development Programme renovated four school libraries and built 14 new ones in the Fezile Dabi and Motheo districts….



29 August 2019 Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s strategic approach is to pilot and develop effective models that may be replicated to achieve impact of scale and systemic change. The development of models is underpinned by the value propositions of the Foundation. These are: its pioneering spirit, which enables the Foundation to tread in unchartered terrain and…

Career guidance for Diepsloot learners 

Career guidance for Diepsloot learners 

Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation, through its Thari programme, recently hosted its third annual Career Expo in Diepsloot, north of Johannesburg. “The Career Expo was conceptualised and established in response to concerns raised by the stakeholders forum that learners in Diepsloot are leaving school without a clear view of the career options available to them,” said Bernice…