Nzalo Careers provides coaching services to young school leavers on options for future education and personal development. It’s founder, Sedzani Netshitenze, born and schooled in Limpopo, struggled to find such support for herself. She describes herself as an introvert and never saw herself running a business, but the Black Umbrellas programme helped her to acknowledge her potential and to believe in herself.
I believe that self-awareness, so often lacking is young people, is critical for career development,” she says. “This is at the heart of my business venture.”
Nzalo Careers recently assisted students supported by Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust with a work readiness workshop. This is an example of the ways in which the partner entity programmes of the Foundation leverage off one another. Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s programmes span an “arc of life”, from primary and secondary education to tertiary education, to entrepreneurship and employment. This is distinctive in the development landscape.
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