“Returns on Investment for bursary support must address the high drop-out rate of first years through offerings of holistic student support, including psychosocial support and mentorship.” So said Executive Director of the Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET), Chantelle Oosthuizen, at a Top Empowerment Masterclass discussion on 30 March.
The theme for the discussion was “CSI that Works: Strengthening Student Support & CSI Solutions for Greater ROI.”
The Masterclass noted that for every 100 students, only 36 pass matric and only 14 of them go to university. This is then compounded by a high student drop-out rate. The Masterclass motivated that student funding alone will not automatically equal student success. Students need support on a psychosocial level, career guidance, mentorship, soft skills development and the like.
“When a student’s well-being is taken care of, so will the results,” a Topco report of the masterclass said. “In this way graduates walk into the workforce better prepared, on a holistic level.”
CRET has long implemented a holistic bursary support and youth development model. Its offerings include:
- Career guidance and psychometric testing
- 24/7 ICAS psycho-social wellness support and access to private social workers and psychological services.
- On-going soft skills training, including team building, time management, budgeting, emotional quotient (EQ), personal branding and computer skills.
- One-to-one mentorship
- Community service and social responsibility commitments
- Learner and driver training
- Work-readiness workshops, CV and interview skills assistance
- Internship and holiday work opportunities
To partner with CRET to support holistic student and youth development contact info@cyrilramaphosa.org
Watch the Masterclass panel discussion below.