Psychosocial and care support services for learners in the spotlight at Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s Thari Programme Conference

Psychosocial and care support services for learners in the spotlight at Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s Thari Programme Conference

13 September 2022 Psychosocial and care support services for learners was in the spotlight at the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s Thari Programme’s Second Biennial Conference in Botshabelo township in the Free State on 9 September. Held in partnership with the National Department of Basic Education and Free State Department of Education, the event was attended by…

The plight of SA’s Young Entrepreneurs: A Reflection on Black youth and the realities of growing in business

In recent years, South Africa’s disheartened youths seem to be growing weary of an unnerving predilection by the public and private sectors to theoretically position young people as the drivers of economic transformation. In reality, the country still hasn’t managed to create a progressive, business ecosystem that enables youth entrepreneurship. In positioning entrepreneurs as change-makers,…

Learners face a long walk to learning without shoes

Learners face a long walk to learning without shoes

14 July 2022 By Steven Lebere, Chief Executive Officer, Adopt-a-School Foundation For Mandela Month and as part of its 20th anniversary commemorations, Adopt-a-School Foundation is tackling the need of many school children for school shoes. School shoes are part of school uniform wear in South Africa. In partnership with local sneaker brand Bathu, Adopt-a-School is…

Thari Programme aids vulnerable children with the power of play

Thari Programme aids vulnerable children with the power of play

22 June 2022 How much of a difference can play make in a child’s life? That is the question the Thari Programme is answering successfully with its Safe Park in Botshabelo township in the Free State. Thari is a pilot programme of Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation that is implemented by its partner entity, Adopt-a-School. The programme…

Our youth are struggling with mental health problems

20 June 2022 By Chantelle Oosthuizen, Executive Director, Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust Young people in South Africa have been struggling with the burden of mental health problems associated with poverty, disrupted learning, unemployment and even the Covid-19 pandemic. Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression are a concern among young adults and these issues…

Providing job opportunities through our programmes

Providing job opportunities through our programmes

01 May 2022 Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation is committed to fostering an inclusive and empowered society through improving education and growing small Black businesses. The Foundation believes that progress in education and enterprise development are the most direct means to fostering an inclusive and empowered society, which is its purpose. This is in…

Expanding and deepening the indices of our freedom through partnership

Expanding and deepening the indices of our freedom through partnership

26 April 2022 South Africa’s Bill of Rights enshrines the rights of people in the country and affirms the values of human dignity, equality and freedom. Among these rights are those to basic and further education, children’s rights like protection from neglect or abuse, and the right to freely choose one’s trade, occupation or profession….

Contributing to a business incubator is a B-BBEE win-win opportunity

Contributing to a business incubator is a B-BBEE win-win opportunity

08 April 2022 Thina Hlophe, Black Umbrellas Stakeholder and Engagement Manager  When the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act was introduced in 2003, the goal was to meet specific economic transformation goals by creating an environment where more Black persons could be part of the ownership, management, procurement and skills development process to drive socio-economic…

The right to development is an inalienable human right

The right to development is an inalienable human right

22 March 2022 The United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development explicitly frames human rights as equal and indivisible and that people, communities and societies need to enjoy access to these rights for their development. It declares: “The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and…