15 Years

Signs of a great future

Signs of a great future

20 June 2023 Sharlotte Mkansi, Youth and Skills Development Administrator of Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET), a Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation partner entity, recently gained the thoughts of Vianka Gounden, a hearing-impaired student that CRET supports, about South...

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Small businesses value expert guidance

Small businesses value expert guidance

9 June 2023 In a recent impact study conducted by Black Umbrellas, a Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation partner entity that implements an incubation programme to develop small Black businesses, emerging entrepreneurs cited gaining support from the business development...

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Class act: Here’s why the Free State is tops in education

By Penwell Dlamini, Sunday Times, 16 April 2023 Schools in the Free State, one of SA’s poorest provinces, have gone from near-bottom to the top of national education. Penwell Dlamini visited some schools to find out how this turnaround happened. A pupil arrives at the...

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Make the digital world safer, more inclusive, more equal

Make the digital world safer, more inclusive, more equal

08 March 2023 The United Nations declared its theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March as “DigitAll: Innovation and Technology for gender equality”. Technology is of profound significance in today's world. It has revolutionised virtually every aspect of...

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Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s 2020-2022 Annual Report

Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s 2020-2022 Annual Report

Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s Annual Report for 2020-2022 has been published. The report provides an overview of the work of the Foundation and its partner entities for the periods March 2020 – February 2021 and March 2021 - February 2022. The period of review was...

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Effective ways to prepare for the exam season

Effective ways to prepare for the exam season

09 November 2022 Exam season is upon us, and this time can be stressful for a lot of students. Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust has compiled some helpful tips to assist students to revise and prepare for the exam room. Revision tips Make a realistic revision schedule:...

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Adopt-a-School Foundation’s Heritage

Adopt-a-School Foundation’s Heritage

21 September 2022 In the storeroom of a school in Soweto, draped in cloth to protect it over the years from the dust, is a fax machine. Many may not to know what a fax machine is. At its height in the 1980s through to the early 1990s, it was a technological marvel for...

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Inspired by the resilience of women

09 August 2022 By Mmabatho Maboya, CEO, Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation On 09 August 2022, we mark National Women’s Day, and extend the commemoration campaign to boost awareness of and mobilisation against gender inequality and its consequences for the entire month. August...

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